
deep in my heart

here, i dont know what i feel when i see you in the shadow. glad, sad, beating, all in one. when we had a conversation, when we fight, when we kidding. your face, your laugh, your voice, all thing about you. you and you, just only you, my past who i imaged. you are the really first i had and never cross of my mind that we would separated. at that time. when we met, you gave me a sweet smile then my heart was beating.

and now, you come to me to talk everything about us at past time actually. i think i still loving you but the other hand, my heart was bound, and you also. i want to through the day with you over again. but this is so sad, i cannot do anything for this. i have someone, and he has someone too. we have to go through life and see a future. i pray for his happiness ever after.

#mypast, we stayed together as bestfriends

I'm very interested with this pictures

this is my cute little cousin, i always happy when i'm with him

this is my photo edited, and of course me as a model. not too good, but i feeling proud of this

this is a cute twice or maybe a pair of cute chicks :)

last, this is me with my favorite fruite, oranges. i think some people like this too,
because this is can make us go fresh.

so, have you an interest pictures like me? let me see, buddy :)


I'm a beautiful ruby

believe it or not, my last name have mean "a beautiful ruby" and thats

I am
exactly :))


made by me

gw buat gambar gambar dibawah ini barusan, aneh, ga jelas ga ngerti segala ngga deh tambah kesel haha

nah gw paling suka yg ini, sederhana tulisan putus asa yang pernah gw buat ya ini haha

sebotol yoghurt jeruk dan hati yang pecah

jujur gw lagi ga enak hati, banget
kemarin gw ngalamin hal yang ga pernah gw mau alamin
dan sekarang gw berantem lagi sama orang yang ga pengen banget gw berantem sama dia
gw capeeee banget, lelah, bingung, sampe ngeluarin kata-kata kasar ke dia
gw ga tau mesti gimana lagi, selalu kaya gini, bosen gw ngebatin terus
dia ga pernah ngerti.
dia maksa padahal gw ga suka dipaksa, akhirnya bad bad mood dan sekarang bukan bad mood lagi tapi ga ada mood.
mau ngomong baik-baik tapi gw cape harus gini terus, dia selalu ga tau mesti gimana, harus gw terus yang bilang pengen gimana, dia ga pernah berinovasi buat bikin gw surprise & seneng
mumet gw jadinya


berakhir tragis

kalah euuuuuyyyy
sedih pisan. baru kali ini (lagi) saya tanding asli bener-bener hayang meunang haaaaa dulu mah asal senang we main teh gak ada motivasi penuh full teng. saya pake gering da mun teu gering mah lah bakal lebih bebeakan ti tadi, sudahlah. Alhamdulilah..
maaf ya semua DEVILS
bang adam, kak baba, kak rinda, a opik, ayah deni juga, semuanya dah maaf pisan saya tau gak ada yang mesti disesalkan, semuanya udah kita usahakan meskipun hasilnya belum se optimal yang kita mau



recovery recovery, I hope you

I wish a recovery. ane pengen main basket besok God :( pengen berjuang buat satas sampe juara. give me Your recovery God, give me a drop of Your health. and I wish our team will get the champion and can lift the name of SMA Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya. Amin..
ane harap besok better dan bisa berjuang bareng tim. hope so


game for today

SMAN1 VS BPN Tasikmalaya

ane pake nomer punggung 4 nih balik lagi jaman smp, dan hal yang sama yang dulu pernah kejadian waktu pake 4 juga terulang lagi

score 4point (cuma masukin 2bola)
foul 4x (1x lagi ane di foul out)

hahaha ngapesss dah -,-
tapi tetep devils cukup tapi kayanya kurang dari cukup deh buat berbangga hati
score akhir 36 - 7 Alhamdulillah..
yihuuuyyy nanti lawan mana lagi yaaa? pengen ke final dehhh amin :D